Docker Build Arguments and Environment Variables
Docker provides different ways to inject the dynamic values during the build phase and the run phase. we can use Docker build arguments to dynamically injecting the values at the build time and environment variable to inject values at run time and can combine both to maximize their benefit.
Docker build arguments
It is used to dynamically injecting the values during the build time. It gives us the flexibility to create an image in different modes. Build arguments are used when we need to create multiple images with a specific value difference. So we can pass that value as a build argument and can use the same docker image.
These arguments can be used in different build steps but not in the CMD, as CMD gets executed at the time of the docker running phase, and build arguments are designed for the build phase only.
Defining build arguments in Dockerfile
we can add an argument step in the Dockerfile like
we can use ARG command to set the build argument in the docker file and we can access it using the $ or ${} syntax.
It will copy the 0.1 version from the host machine to the docker image at the defined WORKDIR.
It is not mandatory to give the default value of the build-argument, we can just declare it as well as shown below.
and can pass the value in the docker build command.
Defining build argument in the docker build command
We can override the default value of the ARG in the build command using the --build-arg command.
docker build -t hello-world:latest --build-arg version= 0.2 .
So it will copy the 0.2 version from the host file to the docker image.
Defining multiple docker arguments
In Dockerfile, we can define multiple build arguments with multiple ARG commands like
and in docker build command we have to use multiple — build-arg
docker build -t hello-world:latest --build-arg VERSION=0.2 --build-arg PORT=80 .
Using Build Arguments in the docker-compose file.
We can declare the build arguments in the Dockerfile and can set the value in the docker-compose file.
Adding build-arguments in the Dockerfile
and can use it in the docker-compose file.
context: .
PORT: 9090
docker-compose dynamically adds or updates the value of the build arguments declared in the Dockerfile. We can omit the values in the docker-compose file in that case it will pick the value present in the environment in which the docker-compose is running.
context: .
Docker environment variables
Docker environment variables are used to make the docker run command flexible, it gives the user flexibility to change certain values at the run time. The environment variables can be accessed in the application code as well. It provides a way to set application configuration at the time of running the application, a configuration like database details, the port number to expose, etc.
All major programming languages provide support for environmental variables like
Defining environment variables in Dockerfile
we can directly define the environment variables in the Dockerfile
We can access the environment variable in the Dockerfile with $ or ${} syntax, as we used for the build arguments
we cannot override the default value of the environment variable defined in the Dockerfile at the build phase directly using the “-e” parameter but we can use build arguments to do that.
We can define both the build-argument and environment variable in the Dockerfile and use the build-arguments to dynamically set the value of environment variables in the build phase.
The value of the build argument will determine the default value of the environment variable.
Defining environment variable in the docker run command
The other way to define the environment variable is to pass it in the docker run command using --env tag or -e tag.
docker run --env PORT_NUMBER=8080 <image-name>OR docker run -e PORT_NUMBER=8080 <image-name>
If the PORT_NUMBER environment variable is already defined in the Dockerfile then it will override it.
Defining multiple environment variables
We can define multiple environment variables in the Dockerfile like
ENV HOST_NAME=localhost
Similarly, we can define multiple environment variables in the docker run command like
docker run -e PORT_NUMBER=8080 -e HOST_NAME=localhost -e DB_NAME= MySQL <image-name>
but as we can see, the more the number of environment variables the readability of the command decreases. So, in this scenario, we can use the environment variable file.
Environment variable file
It is used to separate the Dockerfile and environment variables, it gives us the flexibility to use different environment variables for running different containers using the same Dockerfile.
We can create a file with any name you want (best practice is to create with .env name) at any location (best practice is to create at the Dockerfile level). In that file, we can directly place all our environment variable like:
We can use this environment variable file in the docker run command like:
docker run --env-file ./.env <IMAGE-NAME>
Environment variables in the docker-compose file
Environment variables can be used in the docker-compose file in several ways. The most common way is to add the environment variables in the file (.env), docker-compose file directly reads for it. The file must be present at the same level as the docker-compose file.
.env file
TAG: 7.3
docker-compose file
version: '3'
image: 'webapp:${TAG}'
But, we can have multiple environments like prod, dev, test, etc. In that case, we need to build different files. In that scenario we have to use “--env-file” with the “docker-compose up” command to define the location of the environment file like
docker-compose --env-file ./config/ up docker-compose --env-file ./config/ up docker-compose --env-file ./config/.env.test up
Each command is referring to a different environment file.
We can pass the environment variables to containers in docker-compose like we use to do it in the “docker run” command using “-e” and “--env-file” option
- PORT: 9090
- /config/.env.test
We can have more than one environment file for the same service in the Dockerfile.
- /config/.env.test1
- /config/.env.test2
We can pass the environment variable at the “docker-compose up” using the “-e” option
- PORTdocker-compose run -e PORT=9090 node
Here, ‘node’ is one of the services that we are running using the docker-compose.
We can define the multiple services in the same command (let there is another service with the name java).
docker-compose run -e PORT=9090 node java
But there is one condition to use this command for running multiple services is that both cannot have the same environment variable defined in the docker-compose file.
It is a limitation, if two containers have the same environment variable then we cannot run both the containers using the “docker-compose run -e …” command as it cannot populate the environment variable of both the services simultaneously.
Sample Dockerfile using both Build arguments and Environment variable
FROM node:alpine
WORKDIR $APP_DIRCOPY package.json .
RUN npm installCOPY . .ENV PORT_NUMBER=80
EXPOSE PORT $PORT_NUMBERCMD ["npm", "install"]
Here we are populating the working directory inside the docker image using the build arguments and exposing the port number using the environment variable (80 is the default port number that shall get exposed in case no value is provided in the ‘docker run’ command).
Difference between Build Arguments and Environment variables
- Build arguments and the environment variable both provides a level of flexibility but at different phases. We cannot replace one with another, in fact, we can use them together to get higher flexibility.
- Build arguments works on the BUILD phase, it has no impact on the RUN phase of docker whereas the ENV can be used at both phases. Environment variables declared in Dockerfile are available at both the phases but environment variables declared in the environment file or passed in the RUN command are available at only the RUN phase.
- Build arguments cannot be used in the application code to be containerized, but we can use environment variables in the application code.
For more details please refer to the official docker documentation: